Tag Archives: Public Folders

Manage Permissions result in 500 Unexpected Error (Public Folders Exchange 2013)

Although you can manage permissions in Exchange Management Shell, in ecp when you click on Manage Permissions on specific folder the following page is shown:

500 Unexpected Error

500 Unexpected Error

To resolve this issue:

1. Use PowerShell to check Public Folder Client Permissions:
PS > Get-PublicFolderClientPermission \FolderName |Format-List

2. Check if any user has a SID instead of a username

3. Remove users with SID if any:
PS > Remove-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity \FolderName -User NT:S-1-1-11-11111111-1111111111111-1111

4. Check if you can manage Public Folder permissions via ecp