Tag Archives: OAB

Users cannot update OAB (error 0x80190194)

When users click on Send/Receive button in Outlook they receive 0x80190194:

Outlook Send/Receive Error 0x80190194

Outlook Send/Receive Error 0x80190194

 In the Exchange powershell if you try to update the OAB (update-OfflineAddressBook) you receive the following error:

EventViewer EventID:17004

EventViewer EventID:17004

To resolve this issue:

  • Open ADSIEdit on the Exchange Server
  • Choose Connect to
  • In the connection settings in the Select a well know Naming Context choose Configuration
  • Navigate to CN=Address-Templates,CN=Addressing,CN=Organisation,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local
  • Check if there are any strings with “\0ACNF:<GUID>”
ADSIEdit strings with “\0ACNF:<GUID>”
ADSIEdit strings with “\0ACNF:”
  • Delete strings identified in previous step
  • Open Exchange Power Shell and type: Update-OfflineAddressBook –Identity <Identity>
  • Check Send/Receive finish successfully on client machine